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Umpqua Fish



Joined November 2022

69 Posts
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"Spring" "Time" "March" Predictions

Time marches forward into spring of 2024. It is time for the annual predictions for springtime viewing of our LiveCam. The next few weeks is usually when over 25% of the winter steelhead population will continue their forward migration to their spawning homewaters destination in the North Umpqua. Our first prediction is the count will reach over 6000 fish and could end up being the highest return in the past few years. Secondly, the first "spring chinook" will be seen in the viewing window in the next couple weeks. Be looking for this leader of many more of this species to follow when the water temperature nears the 50-degree mark. You could be eligible for a prize from the Derby when you send in a time-stamped photo from the live-streaming video. The third prediction is guaranteed to happen this weekend..the clock on the wall will return to "realtime" for about 6 months and we will thankfully receive fewer questions about if the fish see the time is off by an hour as s...

The steelhead migration is in a "cold water" delay until further notice and the temperature starts to increase a few degrees.

Over 4,000 and still counting has been very busy with over 4,000 winter steelhead counted migrating upstream in the North Umpqua River. We will continue tallying each one for as long as these beautiful fish keep heading towards their spawning streams. Thank you for watching our LiveCam Video.

Temperature has Effect on Winter Steelhead Migration Behavior

River water temperature had dropped and slowed the steelhead migration the past few days. Now it is increasing especially in the afternoons so watch for more fish moving upstream